How To Spot Fake Jewelry

‘How To Spot Fake Jewelry’ | American Coins & Gold | May 26th 2018

How to spot fake jewelry

Spotting fake jewelry can often be easier said than done. The influx of cheap imports combined with the lack of consumer gold knowledge leads many people to get ripped off when selling or buying jewelry. Over the past 20 years buying and selling gold, coins, and jewelry we have seen it all.

The rise of synthetic diamonds and fake gemstones has caused many consumers to get fooled during the process into thinking they are dealing with real jewelry. In addition, items that are labeled solid gold or silver might actually be tricking you as well. While the outside layer might be the precious metal they claim, the core can consist of a much less valuable metal, such as lead or copper. Below we will outline our top tips to spot fake jewelry.

Check the Quality

Our #1 tip is to evaluate the quality of the jewelry in question. Often times fake jewelry has a much lower standard quality than their real counterparts. Take the time to look closely at the jewelry and evaluate the way it looks, the way it feels, and the weight of the jewelry. Also take note of any markings and engravings so you can get some more information on what type of material you are dealing with.

While this method will allow you to spot obvious fake jewelry, the materials counterfeiters use has advanced, which means that every year counterfeits jewelry is getting more difficult to spot.

Solid Gold vs. Gold Plated

When it comes to spotting fake gold jewelry you must always be aware of gold plated items. This occurs when a cheap base metal such as lead or copper is coated with an extremely thin layer of real gold (or silver). To the unsuspecting naked eye, gold plated jewelry can easily be mistaken for genuine.

Read our full article on gold plated jewelry here

Our top tip here is to evaluate the weight of the gold jewelry in question. Many times gold plated jewelry will be lighter than the real deal. The layer on gold plated jewelry can be 14k, 18, or even 24k gold. But because the inside of the jewelry is cheap metal, gold plated jewelry does not have any real value. 

how to spot fake gold jewelry

Fake Luxury Watches

When it comes to the luxury watch market, counterfeits are everywhere. In our last blog we broke down our Top 3 Ways to Spot a Fake Rolex. The same concepts apply when trying to spot other fake luxury watches. The important point to note here is that fake jewelry, such as counterfeit and replica watches have been getting better over the years.

fake rolex jewelry


As mentioned above, paying attention to the details of not only the watch, but the case and paperwork can help you easily spot a fake. Just like with gold jewelry, luxury watches often weigh a good amount and feel hefty on the wrist. A good indication you are dealing with a fake is to compare it side by side with a verified authentic version of the watch.

For example, if you are trying to spot if a Rolex Submariner is fake or not, compare it side by side (whether online or in person) with the real deal. This way you can evaluate all aspects of the watch to determine authenticity. Many times fake luxury watches will display incorrect logo sizes as well as markings / engravings that the don’t belong. 

Work With a Local Jewelry Dealer

american coins and goldAs you can see, when evaluating jewelry for its authenticity there is often more than meets the eye. Please use the above tips as a starting point for determining whether you have real or fake jewelry on your hands. Your best bet is to always get a second opinion from a local jewelry dealer / buyer. They will be able to provide you with a free, no obligation appraisal.

An appraisal is an evaluation process where a trained professional will take a look at all your jewelry items and run them through a series of different tests. By the end of the appraisal, the professional jewelry appraiser will be able to give you some information about the quality and authenticity of the item. In addition, if the jewelry is real you will most likely receive an offer which you can either accept, or use as a reference point down the line. either way, a local jewelry dealer will help you understand what you have on your hands and its true marketplace value.

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